The Tech


Neurogen Brain Balancing uses low-intensity microcurrent pulsation to modulate neural activity and stimulate healing. Treatments are fast, efficient, and safe for children and adults of all ages.

A computer generated image of a nerve cell with a blue background.
Two arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

A Bilateral Approach

Neurogen High Performance Neurofeedback (HPN) Therapy uses a two-prong approach to balance and promote healing within the nervous system. The first is to measure, modulate, and balance neural activity. The second is a gentle stimulation that sends signals to the brain to indicate that repair or healing is needed in a specific area (or multiple areas). This is achieved by using low-intensity electrical pulses with electroencephalography (EEG), a clinical tool used to measure the electrical activity of neurons within the brain. This process is completely painless and safe for persons of all ages.

A black and white drawing of a chemical structure on a white background.

Balancing Neural Activity

Our brains make billions of synaptic connections per second. These synapses can be measured on a spectrum of frequency, ranging from an estimated 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz. These frequencies are often referred to as ‘Brainwaves’. Neurogen’s patented technology not only measures brainwaves, but sends low-intensity electrical pulses to bring balance to areas where neural activity is excessive or too sparse. Unlike traditional Neurofeedback therapy, our system measures the changes in the neural activity in real time, and adjusts the microcurrent output based on the brain’s response. Since no two brains are alike, each session is completely personalized to your specific brainwaves. During a session, our practitioners are also looking for imbalances between the left and right sides of the brain. It is possible for each hemisphere to experience a different rate of synaptic firing. The myth that someone is more ‘left brained’ or ‘right brained’ does not mean that one side of their brain is more active than the other. The two sides do not operate independently, therefore achieving balance between both sides is imperative for proper neurological function!

A black and white drawing of a scale on a white background.

What does it feel like when neural activity is out of balance?

Symptoms of neurological imbalances or dysregulation are often felt as mild to moderate roadblocks in the day (brain fog, stress, lack of focus, lack of motivation, frequent frustration, headaches, etc). As the degree of dysregulation grows, the symptoms can become unbearable, especially after years without treatment. Trauma and illness can also amplify this, leading to migraines, cluster headaches, depression, fibromyalgia, anxiety, rage, insomnia, pain, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, and more. By finding and treating the source of the issue, we are able to give lasting relief, not just mask symptoms.

A black and white drawing of a dart board with an arrow in the center.

Targeted Stimulation

Neurogen’s advanced protocols allow our practitioners to target very specific parts of the brain. For example, our ADHD/ADD protocols specifically target the frontal and pre-frontal cortices to restore their ability to bring focus and enhance executive function. Or in cases such as concussions or TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), a custom protocol may be created to address the specific area(s) that sustained damage to encourage healing and restore healthy function. Your brain is unlike anyone else’s and you deserve a treatment that is tailored specifically for you. Whatever the challenge, our team will work with you to create a protocol and treatment plan that works for you. Our goal is to find the root cause quickly and efficiently, so you can get back to living your best life.

A black and white drawing of a double helix on a white background.


Our practitioners are also trained in biofeedback practices. This means we can treat areas of the body with nerve damage or dysfunction. Chronic pain, neuropathy, phantom pain, and numbness are a just few of the issues Neurogen can address. Whether you are an athlete with the aches and pains that come with pushing your body to the max, or have chronic neck or back pain from sitting at a desk at work for years on end, want to help you optimize and restore healthy function to your nervous system.


The Neurogen Brain Balancing mission has always been to provide free Brain Balancing treatments for veterans. We commit to continuing that complimentary service for those who served our nation for as long as we are in operation.

To qualify for up to 4 free Brain Balancing sessions:

Confirm Your Service

Our Neurogen team will need you to complete a short form to confirm a few details about your time in Service and show your military ID.

Complete 4 Sessions

Our BB4Vets program provides up to 4 Brain Balancing sessions with one of our certified Practitioners at no cost to veterans.

Give us Your Feedback

The final step to be eligible for our free sessions is to submit a short video testimonial about your results. Our team can provide a template, or you can record something completely original.

medical appointment doctor

Mental Health

A woman is sitting on a rock overlooking the ocean at sunset.

Cognitive Challenges

medical appointment doctor

Performance Enhancement

Chronic Health

Recovery from Injury

Mental Health

Cognitive Challenges